Useful links
Here is a link to our page on the WheeStat potentiostat. The WheeStat User Manual is here.
Here is a link to a page discussing how to make a reference electrode.
The WheeStat Potentiostat
The WheeStat is our computer controlled three electrode potentiostat. We offer the WheeStat fully assembled with firmware installed. A Windows compatible graphic user interface is provided on a usb memory stick.
The WheeStat does not come with electrodes. These need to be supplied from another source. We note that graphite pencil lead may be used for the working and counter electrodes (black and red leads, respectively) and a Ag/AgCl electrode is recommended for the reference (green lead). Here is a link to a page that will tell you how to make a low cost Ag/AgCl electrode.
Current and Voltage Regulated Power Supply for Electrochemical Synthesis
One thing that I have been asked for is an instrument capable of high currents to do electrochemical synthesis. This should not be all that hard because what you are basically talking about is building a battery charger and battery charging circuits have been around for quite a while. The problem arises because these people want to use the same instrument to do electrochemical characterization of the material as well. So the problem becomes making one instrument that will both source and measure both positive and negative currents. That is not something that battery chargers generally do.
So I am working on it. The figure above is a screenshot of a circuit board for supplying up to 1 Amp of current where the limiting current and voltage are specified. The design is based on information provided in this EEVBlog video series. I have been able to make voltage regulator based circuits that output a range of positive voltages based on computer input. I am still working on getting a design that will crank out high amps and go positive or negative on voltage and current.