Spectrometer Build

Useful Links

Here is the link to the main Spectrometer pageHere are links to pages discussing our 3D printed parts, Optics, and Lamps.  Here are pages discussing spectrometer electronics and software

Unbuilding video

In the video to the left, I disassemble a WheeTrometer spectrometer.  

Assembly is the same process, but in reverse.

What you need to build a Wheetrometer

  The easiest way to get all the STL files is to download them from the Teensy-Spectrometer-STL Repository page on GitHub.  There is a section called "Downloading Software" that discusses how to do this below.
    Once you have the files, 3d print the .stl files.  You will notice that there are two body files, the one you want is "WheetrometerBodyCalc-2.stl".  The other one is only there because I cant figure out how to get things back off from Github.  

You print these yourself or get a commercial source to do it for you. 

Hardware availability

To make a WheeTrometer Teensy, you will need a Teensy 4.0 development board (available here for $24), an optics kit, a WheeTrometer teensy shield, a TCD1304 CCD and our software. 

Stuff that we sell on this web site has limited availability.  We just do not have the cash to keep a lot of stock on the shelf.  

3D Printed stuff: We are not set up to be a 3D printing farm.  There are plenty of these out there and they will undoubtedly do a better job than we would.  

The amplifier board is currently available but we have limited stock (tens, not thousands).  Once we sell out we will order more, but the re-supply time scale will be dictated by supply chain issues beyond our control.  If you wish to assemble a circuit board yourself, we will be happy to share our most recent design on OSHPark (or another manufacturer of your choice).  You could then have the pcb fabricated and sent to you. 

Mirrors: We had the mirrors custom ground in China a few years back.  To our knowledge they are not available elsewhere.  These are in limited supply and when they run out we will have to make a choice about re-ordering.  The price we ask reflects our cost, shipping, and a small markup.  When making the decision to re-order we will have to consider market demand and price changes since our last order.

Optical Slit:  We have a lot of these.

Gratings:  We have a few of these, at 1200 and 600 lines per mm.  We do not have any market edge and stocking this expensive item is not a priority for us.  Don't bet on us having what you want.  Check our Optics Page for advice on where to purchase.

Microcontroller Board:  If you are patient, I can order them and flash the firmware for you.  Otherwise, please get these from pjrc.

Detector:  I have three or four legit detectors that I purchased from Mouser.  I also have a few that I got from AliExpress.  Once these are gone, I will ask you to purchase from one of these other vendors.

Lamps: I have hardware for exactly three (3) uv lamps.  If you want one, let me know early.


Like any instrument, the WheeTrometer is comprised of hardware and software.  To build a WheeTrometer you will need a number of files.  These include stl files for 3d printing, ino files for firmware and pde files for the user interface. 

Downloading Software

The easiest way to get all the files is to download them from the WheeTrometer-Teensy Repository page on GitHub.  Clicking on the green "Code" button opens a dropdown where you can select "Download Zip" (At the bottom of the figure to the left). 

Once you have the files, 3d print the .stl files.  You can do this yourself or get a commercial source to do it for you.  You will notice that there are two files for "inner grating mount".  You only need one.  I think the one called mountB-1 was made cover the red and near IR while mountA-2 is for uv-vis (please let me know if I got that backwards).  The file called "tool" is used to hold the grating & its mounts so that you can press on it and don't get finger prints on the grating.