3D Printed Spectrometer Parts

Useful Links

Here is a link to the spectrometer page.  Here is a link to the optical elements page.

Here is a link to a Github page with the .stl files to print the parts.  Here is a link to the page with the OpenSCAD files.

The Wheetrometer is assembled using 3D printed parts

To the left is the spectrometer body.  Each part of the spectrometer was designed using OpenSCAD.  Design files and stl files are available on request. 

 Each of the optical elements has a mount that attaches to the body with #4 stainless steel sheet metal screws.

The Inner Cuvette Mount also secures the Optical Slit

Outer Cuvette Mount with Fiber Adapter

This Spacer Fits Between Steel Flange and Ball Lens

Assembled Cell Holder with Fiber Optic Cable

Collimating Mirror Mount

Inner and Outer Grating Mounts

Focusing Mirror Mount

Electronics box

Electronics lid

This is how it all goes together

This photo shows how the parts of the spectrometer fit together.  The fiber mount (lower front) holds the optical slit in place.  In the far back, the collimating mirror is held by its mount.  The grating is sandwiched between the inner and outer grating mounts.  The focusing mirror is on the right and the electronics are on the upper left.  A piece of black foam is between the focusing mirror and the spectrometer body, allowing the mirror to be adjusted to focus the light on the detector.  While the orange plastic gives a good contrast in the picture, it allowed light to leak into the spectrometer, giving poor reproducibility of spectra.

Modifying the design

The physical dimensions of the spectrometer can be easily changed to meet your requirements: Changing the angle between the grating and the focusing mirror will affect the wavelength range you observe, and changing the grating or the focal length of the focusing mirror will change the dispersion and also the optimal grating angle.  The video below shows how to change parameters in the  design geometry using the free CAD program OpenSCAD.  The original design files are found in this GitHub page.